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清炒蘑菇細扁麵 - Mushroom Oregano Linguine




焦糖化巴沙米哥醋就是一個我找到的好東西,在墨爾本逛vegan market 的時候試吃到這款醋,超級好吃,當下就決定要帶它回家,果然是個料理神隊友,配上我做的酸種麵包也是好吃到不行吶。

- - - ENGLISH BELOW - - -


橄欖油 2大匙

蘑菇 5~6顆 >切片

大蒜 2瓣 >去成蒜末

巴沙米哥醋 1大匙 (焦糖化的)

奧勒岡葉 3小支 >取下葉子使用


細扁麵 1把

△此食譜為一人份,但因為我吃比較多,所以有點大份 :P



1. 煮一鍋滾水,在水裡加一點鹽巴,依照包裝上的指示把細扁麵放下去煮

2. 煮麵的同時可以把食材準備好,在麵大約煮了5分鐘後開始炒蘑菇

3. 平底鍋內加入橄欖油,油熱後加入蘑菇及大蒜炒到蘑菇邊緣微黃

4. 加入奧勒岡葉、巴沙米哥醋、煮麵的熱水約200ml,讓鍋子裡的香氣及風味都嗆起來融合在一

5. 加入細扁麵 (吃一條看看熟了沒,熟了再加) ,讓麵吸飽鍋內的醬汁



8. 開動囉 : )


- - - ENGLISH BELOW - - -

When I feel lazy to think about what to cook for dinner, this pasta always comes to my mind first. This simple, quick and rich-flavored pasta is a satisfaction for me all the time.  I eat mushrooms quite often after came to Australia, it's much cheaper than Taiwan, and have the option to buy them fresh naked, so it becomes a must on my shopping list. Linguine is also my favorite type of pasta. I eat them several times a week.  
I like simple ingredients. When combined together, they can upgrade the whole flavor. It doesn't have to be much but must have high quality, kind of like a minimalist spirit. Caramelized balsamic vinegar is a gem I found. I tried this vinegar when I visited the vegan market in Melbourne. It is divine. I decided to take it home straight away and it's truly a good partner in cooking.  Even perfect with the sourdough I made!

// Ingredient //

olive oil 2 Tbsp

mushroom 5~6

garlic 2 cloves > minced

balsamic vinegar 1 Tbsp

oregano 3 sprigs > use the leaves (save a few leaves for the garnish)

linguine a handful

△ This recipe is for one person, but because I eat a lot, my portion of one serving is pretty large.
Brand : Flavourista / Australia / Found it at World Vegan Day Melbourne.

// Step //

1. Cook the linguine in a large pan of boiling salted water according to the packet instructions.

2. While cooking the linguine, you can prepare the ingredients. After the linguine have been cooked for about 5 minutes, start to stir fry the mushrooms.

3. Pour two tablespoons of olive oil into the pan, add mushrooms and garlic and fry until the edges of the mushrooms turn slightly golden.

4. Add oregano, balsamic vinegar, and 200ml of boiling water to make the sauce, let the flavor and the fragrant mix together.

5. Try the linguine now, it should be almost cooked. Adding them to the pan (no special draining, just add them in the pan) and let the linguine absorb the sauce.

6. When the sauce almost reduced, it's time to serve!

7. Drizzling some balsamic vinegar, add some freshly milled black pepper, and garnish with a few leaves of parsley.

8. It's time to relax and enjoy your delectable mushroom oregano linguine : )