The born of EMILY ROVER was in 2020 during the virus outbreak period, isolated me at home in Australia, couldn’t find anything to do but cooking. After cramming Carolyn's refrigerator, I decided to transfer part of my energy to the internet world, start sharing with this world and meet some amazing like-mind people.
As a Sagittarius-friend-spoil person, it's a pity when I travel overseas and not be around with my friends and family. So, I wrote my recipes down here for you guys! Don't be lazy, just follow the steps then you can have some yummy foods!
After returning to Taiwan, I began to mix my hands in the dough and make bread for the people I liked. On the journey of running a workshop, I kept discovering my favorite way of living, sharing the bits and pieces I love with all the angels I met along the way.
Sending my love to all of you xxx